
Hi All

We are holding a Mexican Fun Night on Saturday January the 25th start time 6:00PM. 🌮

Music, food  and a variety of games.

Price is £12 per head to include a sombrero, unless you would prefer to wear your own.

Food wise we will have a mixture of spicy and non spicy for those with delicate stomachs and the majority will be gluten free there will also be a vegetarian option if required. Limited to 60 members or members guests. First come first served, details on the social notice board. 

Please support this event  if you can as we would hope to run a variety of others in 2025.

If you can’t get to the club please let me know email direct please not as a reply.

Steve Hood 


13th March 2024

Meeting of the Ladies Social and full members get together for a Craft and natter Tuesday afternoons commencing at 2pm.

Creating a thriving club community and a great culture in our club can’t be done by words alone. Having a great intranet and communicating by email is important, but nothing is more important than human relationships and the feeling of belonging and socialising.

Holding the occasional social event can also go a long way towards enhancing the sense of belonging and the camaraderie within in our club environment.

Please join in the events and whilst doing so help yourselves and the club.

Denmead Bowling Club has a very strong social events calendar which is run by the Social Secretary.

10th January 2024

Hi All

I know it’s early in the year but the club would like to run the successful Goodwood Race Day again this year. We don’t have a price structure as yet and date to be confirmed. It is likely that we will choose a different meeting this year potentially at the end of July to the beginning of August. Just gauging interest at this moment in time. So by showing interest is not a necessarily commitment to attend, as last year to keep costs to a minimum we ideally need 40 plus to fill the coach. Just a brief message back or let me know when you see me at the coffee morning, Birdie or maintenance would be good.  I will also put a list on the board so you can just add your names.


Steve H

Events so far

Coffee mornings every second Thursday of the Month at 10.00am (Raffle to take place, with all proceeds going to the club).

Social Dates 2024



Saturday 9th                                              Dinner Dance
                                                            (click on news icon on the left for more information)
Saturday 30th                                               Curry Night & Quiz


Saturday 21st Christmas Draw & Carols